事業報告 Reports

アイコン:研究 研究 Research


Promoting Diverse Research Endeavors in the Humanities and Sciences to Contribute to Solutions for Various Social Issues

Develop and Publish Useful Indicators to Assess Social Challenges
“Women’s Advancement” and “Global Innovation”


Toyo University has developed two original indices for social challenges and annually announces updated figures: the Women’s Participation Index and Toyo University's Center for Global Innovation Studies Index.





Women’s Participation Index

The Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution’s Diversity Research Group developed the Women’s Participation Index, an original index designed to help objectively assess women’s participation and success in each industry and in each company chronologically, and unveiled it in 2017. The Women’s Participation Index is used to calculate Company Rankings and Industry Rankings, which are announced every year.

While this index enables companies to grasp their level of progress in terms of women’s participation, rankings based on the index provide a useful reference for students engaged in jobhunting activities, hopefully inspiring companies and corporations to accelerate their efforts to promote women’s participation. The AY2019 Rankings were determined based on data items that indicate the level of women’s participation, extracted from the data as of March 31, 2019, from the Database on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

On September 3, 2019, the FY2019 Corporation Rankings were unveiled in front of the press, and high-ranking companies were commended. Ms. Satsuki Katayama, (then) Minister in Charge of Women’s Empowerment and Minister of State for Gender Equality, attended the unveiling as a guest.


グローバル・イノベーション学研究センターでは、各国のグローバリゼーションとイノベーションの進展度を総合的かつ客観的に評価する指標として「東洋大学グローバル・イノベーション学研究センターインデックス(Toyo GIC Index)」を独自に開発しました。

そして、216カ国・地域から、Toyo GIC Indexで利用する58の国際比較指標のうち53指標以上のデータを収集できた60カ国を対象として国別にランキング化した「グローバル・イノベーション・ランキング2019」を公表しました。2019年の結果は、1位がシンガポールで、日本は32位でした。


Global Innovation Rankings 2019 announced

The Center for Global Innovation Studies developed Toyo University's Center for Global Innovation Studies Index (Toyo GIC Index), an original index that helps to comprehensively and objectively assess each country’s level of progress in globalization and innovation.

While the Toyo GIC Index uses 58 indicators for international comparison, 53 or more indicators are available for 60 countries out of the 216 countries/regions in the world. The Center therefore determined and announced the Global Innovation Rankings 2019 for these 60 countries, among which Singapore was ranked first, and Japan 32nd.

On November 28, 2019, when the rankings were announced, a public symposium was held with the participation of experts in a variety of fields.


  • 1位  シンガポール
  • 2位  ルクセンブルク
  • 3位  スイス
  • 4位  ニュージーランド
  • 5位  アイスランド


  • 9位   アメリカ
  • 15位  中国
  • 20位  ドイツ
  • 32位  日本

Top five countries in the Global Innovation Rankings 2019

  • 1: Singapore
  • 2: Luxembourg
  • 3: Switzerland
  • 4: New Zealand
  • 5: Iceland

* Ranking of other major countries and Japan

  • 9: U.S.
  • 15: China
  • 20: Germany
  • 32: Japan