事業報告 Reports

アイコン:教育 教育 Education


Developing Human Resources Who Can Cultivate Their Own Philosophy and Understand the Essence of Things

Toyo University’s International Strategies
Highly Rated by Third-party Expert Organizations


As one of the universities selected for the Top Global University Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Toyo University has pursued its internationalization strategies, including sending and accepting students internationally. TOYO University’s achievements in this field have been highly rated by third-party organizations.


ISAS2.0とは、国際大学協会(IAU)による高等教育機関の国際化に関する外部評価です。本学のTOYO GLOBAL DIAMONDS(TGD)構想ではISAS2.0をTGD構想の第三者評価と国際通用性を高める手段として位置づけ、受審に向けて取り組んできました。成果報告書を提出後、IAUによる現地調査などを経た結果、堅実な国際化戦略の構築がなされ、具体的な目標や指標を持ち、進捗管理により戦略・施策の調整を行っていると評価され、2019年11月14日にメキシコで開催されたIAUの国際総会において、ISAS2.0ラーニングバッジが授与されました。今後はISAS2.0の取り組みを通じて得た知見や経験を活かしてTGD構想の着実な実現を進めていくとともに、持続発展的な国際化を推進していきます。

Receiving an ISAS 2.0 learning badge from the International Association of Universities

The Internationalization Strategies Advisory Service 2.0 (ISAS 2.0) is an external assessment and advisory service provided by the International Association of Universities (IAU) for the internationalization of higher education institutions. Toyo University’s TOYO GLOBAL DIAMONDS (TGD) Project positions ISAS 2.0 as a means of reviewing the project externally and enhancing its international effectiveness. After making thorough preparations for the successful completion of the ISAS program, the University submitted an achievement report and received a site visit from an IAU expert panel. The IAU’s final report recognized the University for steadily establishing international strategies, setting concrete goals and indicators, and coordinating its strategies and measures through appropriate progress management. An ISAS 2.0 learning badge was awarded to the University at the IAU International Conference held in Mexico on November 14, 2019. We will take advantage of the knowledge and experience that we have acquired through the ISAS 2.0 program to steadily implement the TGD Project and promote sustainable internationalization.

ISAS2.0ラーニングバッジ授与式(右:髙橋一男国際担当副学長) ISAS 2.0 learning badge awarded by the IAU (right: Vice President Kazuo Takahashi in charge of International Affairs)
ISAS2.0ラーニングバッジ (Assessing Strategy and Monitoring Achievements)
ISAS 2.0 learning badge (Assessing Strategy and Monitoring Achievements), which serves as a testament of the IAU’s recognition of our internationalization strategies



本学は、2019年の「私立大学文科系部門 東日本の部」で入賞、さらに同部門の入賞校から選ばれる大賞を受賞しました。同部門の大賞受賞は、2017年に続き2度目となります。


Winning a division award in the Nihon-Ryugaku Awards 2019

The Japanese Language Education Research Conference of the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education, which aims to create a favorable environment for international students, annually presents the Nihon-Ryugaku Awards to educational institutions selected by Japanese language school instructors in a questionnaire as best recommended for international students.

In 2019, Toyo University was selected in the “Liberal Arts Departments at Private Universities of East Japan” division, and was declared the winner among the institutions selected in the same division. It was the University’s second award in the same division since 2017.

We will continue our efforts to conduct educational activities and create a favorable learning environment so the University will be fully recognized by overseas students who hope to study in Japan.

日本留学AWARDSの表彰盾 Nihon Ryugaku Awards plaque




① ビジネス日本語教育
② キャリア教育
③ インターンシップ・プログラム

上記の取り組みにより、日本国内就職率 45.7%(内訳は、学部生53.0%、大学院生38.9%)を達成しています。

Highly rated in the interim review of MEXT’s Program for Enhancing Employment of International Students

Launched by MEXT in FY2017, this program aims to promote employment of international students in Japan, with applicant consortiums commissioned to implement their own initiatives. Toyo University has been selected for the program based on its own International Student I-Turn Employment Promotion Program. In the interim review conducted in December 2019, the University’s program was highly rated as a leading model that is “instructive with regard to measures implemented by other universities, and “suggests a new direction for future employment promotion efforts.”

Details of the program and its achievements to date are as follows:

(1) Business Japanese education
The University not only offers regular and intensive courses in business Japanese but also prep programs for the BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test and online programs, and additionally creates original trial test questions for the BJT. So far, these efforts have produced beneficial effects, with 54 students reaching the second highest J1 level and 12 achieving the top J1+ level in the BJT.
(2) Career education
The University has actively promoted career education for international students by holding special lectures and joint corporate briefing sessions intended for international students, sending international students to attend provincial joint corporate briefing sessions, and providing specific explanations to prospective employers. As a result, the percentage of international students at Toyo University who have attained jobs in Japan rose by 7.2%, from 38.5% to 45.7%, over two years.
(3) Internship programs
The University has actively sent international students to intern at businesses in the metropolitan area through a close partnership with the Japan Association for Promotion of Internationalization (JAPI), with a total of 155 international students interning at 57 companies. The University has also organized provincial company study tours and provincial company internship tours to enable international students to not only gain work experience at companies in provincial areas but also learn about local culture and society, with the participation of 158 international students in tours in Shimane, Ishikawa and Niigata Prefectures to date.

These measures have resulted in 45.7% of international students (53.0% of undergraduate students and 38.9% of graduate students) at Toyo University obtaining a job in Japan.


  • ◎ 「国内企業等への就職率が向上しつつあり(採択前38.5%→ 採択後45.7%)、ビジネス日本語、インターンシップ教育等のコンテンツも順調に整備されている。留学生が地方企業での就職機会に目を向けることができ、他大学にも参考になる取り組みといえる。」
  • ◎ 「日本語教育に関して、独自の教材開発や学習時間の確保など充実したプログラムを作り上げている。また、地域の特徴を見られる要素のある授業を開発したり、インターンシップもツアー要素を入れ工夫したり、意欲的な展開をしている。」
  • ◎ 「首都圏の留学生に地方の企業体験を授業に組み込むことにより組織的、計画的に実施するとともに、地方での就職ガイダンスを行い効果を上げている点は、今後の就職促進の取り組みの方向を示唆するものとして興味深い。」

Below are extracts from the interim review comments (with some supplements added).

  • ◎ “The percentage of international students employed by Japanese companies after graduating from Toyo University has been increasing (before selection for the program: 38.5%; after selection: 45.7%), and the University has made steady progress in upgrading its educational content such as business Japanese and internship education. It can be said that these efforts help to attract the attention of international students at the University to consider career opportunities available at businesses in provincial areas, and are instructive initiatives to other universities.”
  • ◎ “Toyo University has created extensive Japanese education programs by developing original educational materials and allocating sufficient time for language learning. The University has also been promoting proactive initiatives, including developing classes that enable international students to learn about the characteristics of respective provincial areas and devising attractive internship programs combined with tours.”
  • ◎ “Toyo University has implemented organized measures according to a well-planned schedule by providing international students in the metropolitan area with classes that enable them to gain work experience at businesses and guidance on career development in provincial areas. The University’s program, which has produced excellent results, is interesting because it suggests a new direction for future employment promotion efforts.”