Reports 事業報告

Social Cooperation 社会連携


Collaborating with Stakeholders as an Educational and Research Institution to Become a University Open to Society

学生や教職員による社会貢献・地域活性化活動を支援 Supporting Social Contribution and Regional Revitalization Activities by Our Students and Faculty Members

13 学部・15 研究科を有し、3 万を超える学生が学ぶ東洋大学は、社会貢献・社会連携のための十分なリソースを持つとともに、社会貢献・社会連携活動を推進することが責務である教育機関です。社会貢献センターでは、社会貢献に寄与する人材の育成を目的に、社会貢献活動を行う学生団体への助成とともに、社会貢献活動に対して表彰を行っています。また、ゼミなどの活動の一環として学生と教員が共同して進める地域の課題解決や地域おこし活動に対して、経済的なサポートも行っています。



  • 寺田一世さん:富山県の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策サイトの開発・運営
  • Brand New Toyo(BNT):オンラインでの学生交流の場の創設
  • 佐々木茂ゼミナール30期:南会津町の「南郷トマト」のブランディングに関する共同論文
  • お友達プロジェクトLEAF:津久井やまゆり園での交流



  • Food Project Fukushima:いわきの食の安全を多言語で発信するプロジェクト
  • 国際ボランティアサークル Salamat:フィリピン・セブ島へのボランティア活動

2020年度 地域活性化活動支援事業


NO 教員名 学部・学科 活動名 概要
1 田中雅敏 法学部法律学科 香川県さぬき市とアイゼンシュタット市(オーストリア)との姉妹都市交流協力 〔オンライン実施に変更〕香川県さぬき市の国際交流援助施策として、姉妹都市のあるオーストリアを題材にした文化講座を提供。オーストリア紹介、キリスト教義に基づくクリスマスの解説、クリスマス飾り実演等のコンテンツ番組をゼミで制作し、さぬき市CATV で放送された。
2 箕輪 允智 法学部企業法学科 矢祭町内川地区と箕輪ゼミの連携による地域復興・活性化の取組 〔オンライン実施に変更〕コロナ禍以後、実施できるような活動計画の作成、実践的な活動ガイダンスの動画を作成し、Webexにて矢祭町と交流を深めた。
3 長津一史 社会学部社会文化システム学科 在住外国人と協働する宮城県気仙沼の復興活動の支援 本学学生が宮城県気仙沼市の市民や外国人と協働して同地の復興活動を支援する。新型コロナ感染状況が若干治まりをみせた11 月に1 度、現地を訪問し、インドネシア人技能実習生や災害復興に尽力された市議会議員らと対話・交流活動を行った。
4 佐々木茂 国際観光学部国際観光学科 南会津町観光まちづくりデザイン研究Ⅱ-アドベンチャー・ツーリズムの開発に向けて 特産品の南郷トマトの付加価値向上を目指した調査研究、コロナウイルスの影響で大量に売れ残ってしまった蕎麦粉を活用した新商品開発、そして、地域の温泉施設維持に向けた小水力発電建設と資金調達のためのクラウドファンディングの提案を行った。
5 佐野浩祥 国際観光学部国際観光学科 富士宮市における食文化振興プロジェクト 昨年度に引き続き、富士宮市の観光まちづくりに向けた課題解決に取り組むべく、文献調査と現地調査を行った。新型コロナウイルス感染症による観光への影響やその対策などを把握するとともに、学生による日帰りの現地調査も実施、それらを取りまとめオンラインの成果報告会を実施した。
6 須賀忠芳 国際観光学部国際観光学科 広島県呉市御手洗地区における地域活性化支援事業 呉市御手洗地区の活性化施策を提言する活動。現地調査では、地区内を概観するとともに、呉市文化振興課担当者、地元の「重伝建を考える会」会長を含む役員から聞き取り調査を行った。オンラインにて地域の方向けに成果発表に取り組み、報告書を作成して成果をまとめた。
7 神野宏司 ライフデザイン学部健康スポーツ学科 世代間交流型健康体操教室による地域在宅高齢者に対する健康づくり活動 〔オンライン実施に変更〕地域在宅高齢者にオンライン健康体操教室を開催。ストレッチ、レジスタンス、リズム体操、および認知機能刺激プログラムを考案し、学生がオンライン上で説明や見本を行い、説明以外の学生は参加者の様子を分担して確認し、サポートした。

The University consisting of 13 faculties and 15 graduate schools, with more than 30,000 students, is an educational institution that has sufficient resources for social contribution and social collaboration, and assumes responsibility for promoting such contribution and activities. With the aim of fostering human resources who can contribute to society, the Center for Social Contribution provides grants to student groups engaged in social contribution activities and awards prizes for such activities. The Center also provides financial support for local problem-solving and community revitalization activities conducted in collaboration between our students and faculty members as part of their seminar activities.

Awards for social contribution activities

The Center presents awards to those individuals or student groups demonstrating outstanding achievements through social contribution activities. In AY 2020, one individual and three groups were awarded.

Prize Winners:
  • Mr. Issei Terada: Development and operation of a website for COVID-19 countermeasures in Toyama Prefecture
  • Brand New Toyo, BNT: Creation of online exchange opportunities for students
  • The 30th seminar taught by Professor Shigeru Sasaki: Joint paper on the branding of "Nango Tomato" in Minami Aizu Town
  • LEAF Friends Project: Exchange at the Tsukui Yamayurien care home

Grant for encouraging projects such as social contribution activities by student groups

The Center provides grants to student groups that are engaged in volunteer activities by making the most of their technical skills and specialties. In AY 2020, two projects were selected.

Groups Selected:
  • Food Project Fukushima: A project to communicate food safety of Iwaki in multiple languages
  • International volunteer circle Salamat: Volunteer activities in Cebu, the Philippines

AY 2020 projects supporting regional revitalization activities

The purpose of the projects supporting regional revitalization activities is to encourage young people in urban areas to understand regions facing various issues such as depopulation and aging and develop them as human resources who can play an active role in the regions by bringing them to the regions to work with local residents to solve local issues and carry out community revitalization activities. As part of volunteer activities to address social issues, the projects can provide students with opportunities to work with local residents to solve issues. Through the linkage with seminar activities, students can analyze local issues and develop high-quality activities with the guidance of respective faculty members, and provide continuous support to solve issues that cannot be done in a single year. In AY 2020, 13 projects were selected, but six were cancelled due to the effects of COVID-19, and seven activities including three that were changed to online activities were carried out.

No. Name of Instructor Department, Faculty Name of Activity Overview
1 Masatoshi Tanaka Department of Law, Faculty of Law Cooperation for Exchange between sister cities, Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture and Eisenstadt City, Austria As a measure to support international exchange in Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture, the group offered a cultural lecture on Austria in which its sister city is located. Produced a program that included an introduction of Austria, an explanation of Christmas based on Christianity, and a demonstration of Christmas decorations, which was broadcasted on Sanuki-City CATV.
2 Masatoshi Minowa Department of Business Law, Faculty of Law Efforts for regional recovery and revitalization in collaboration between Uchikawa District, Yamatsuri Town and the seminar group taught by Professor Minowa [Changed to online activity] Created an activity plan viable during the COVID-19 pandemic, produced a video for practical activity guidance, and deepened exchanges with Yamatsuri Town through Webex.
3 Kazufumi Nagatsu Department of Sociocultural Studies, Faculty of Sociology Support for reconstruction activities in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture in cooperation with foreign residents Supported reconstruction activities in Kesennuma through cooperation with the citizens and foreign residents of Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. Visited the city once in November 2020, when the number of COVID-19 cases slightly abated, and engaged in dialogue and exchange activities with Indonesian technical intern trainees and city council members who had made efforts for disaster recovery.
4 Shigeru Sasaki Department of International Tourism Management, Faculty of International Tourism Management Design Study II on Tourism Town Development in Minami Aizu Town - Toward the Development of Adventure Tourism Conducted research and studies with the aim of giving added value to Nango tomatoes, the town’s specialty product, develop new products using buckwheat flour which was left unsold in large quantities due to the effects of COVID-19, and proposed construction of a micro-hydroelectric power generation plant for maintaining the local hot spring facilities and crowdfunding to raise funds for its construction.
5 Hiroyoshi Sano Department of International Tourism Management, Faculty of International Tourism Management Project for promoting food culture in Fujinomiya City Conducted a literature review and a field survey as in the previous year in order to address issues related to tourism community development in Fujinomiya City. Conducted a one-day field survey, and compiled the results for an online briefing session while understanding the effects of COVID-19 on tourism and countermeasures.
6 Tadayoshi Suga Department of International Tourism Management, Faculty of International Tourism Management Project supporting regional revitalization in Mitarai District, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture Activities to propose measures for revitalization of the Mitarai District, Kure City Observed the district to conduct a field survey and interviewed officials in charge of the Kure-City Cultural Promotion Division and board members including the chairman of Jyudenken wo Kangaeru Kai (Group to Consider Preservation District for Important Traditional Buildings) in the district. Worked on online presentation of the results to the local community and summarized the results in a report.
7 Hiroshi Kohno Department of Health Care and Sports, Faculty of Human Life Design Activities for enhancing the health of local homebound elderly people through conducting health exercise classes that allow intergenerational exchange [Changed to online activity] Conducted online health exercise classes for local homebound elderly people. Planned stretching, resistance, rhythmic exercises, and other programs that stimulate cognitive function. Some students provided online explanations and demonstrations and others observed and supported the participants.