Reports 事業報告

Education 教育


Developing Human Resources Who Can Cultivate Their Own Philosophy and Understand the Essence of Things

総合学園として中高大連携による教育を展開 As a Comprehensive School
Developing Education through Collaboration among Junior and Senior High Schools and University




2020年度 実験テーマ

  • Aチーム 野菜やきのこでチーズを作ろう
  • Bチーム スポーツのパフォーマンスを高める方法を探ろう
  • Cチーム ふわふわのスポンジケーキを作る条件を探ろう
  • Dチーム 動物の体色を科学する
  • Eチーム 乳酸菌を発見してヨーグルト作りに挑戦しよう


Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution is a comprehensive school with Toyo University as its core and Toyo University Himeji Junior and Senior High School, Toyo University Ushiku Junior and Senior High School, Toyo University Keihoku Junior and Senior High School, and Keihoku Kindergarten. In order to develop human resources who have their own philosophies and are able to create a bright future in these rapidly changing times, we include the promotion of “integrated education for kindergarten, junior and senior high schools and the University" in our medium-term plan. We promote "philosophy education" so that students may acquire the ability to think, "international education" to develop global human resources, and "career education" so that students may acquire the ability to discover and solve issues.

As an example of collaboration among junior and senior high schools and the University, Toyo University and Toyo University Keihoku Junior and Senior High School have collaborated to conduct the Future Scientist Project, an experiment course for discovering issues. The main focus of the project is on increasing students’ "abilities to think, make decisions, and express themselves," which were emphasized in the new Course of Study. The project started in July 2019 through collaboration among junior and senior high schools and the University in order to make possible independent, interactive, and in-depth learning (active learning) through scientific exploration activities. The faculty members and students of the Faculty and Graduate School of Life Sciences and the Faculty and Graduate School of Food and Nutritional Sciences of Toyo University held a collaborative lecture for students of Toyo University Keihoku Junior and Senior High School who participated after school. The participants were divided into small groups to discover issues for the experimental theme chosen from familiar questions, conducted an experiment to verify their findings, and presented their results.

The second project was held in AY 2020. We conducted activities by using a web conference system in order to continue learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, 12 of the 16 students who participated in the first project last year as third-year junior high school students participated again. Now in their first year of high school, the students explored their experiments in greater depth, and also acted as tutors supporting the junior high school students. The debriefing session held on March 12, 2021, was carried out with the intention of encouraging free-minded ideas from the students. The students worked proactively on preparing PowerPoint materials and explanatory drafts and presenting the results, and all of them reached the goal together. The students who participated in this project reflected on their explorations and expressed their enthusiasm for their future activities: "This project taught me that experiments are important and fun," "I struggled to collect fish scales," "It was hard to conduct many experiments while steadily changing the conditions," and "I want to try experiments in various ways in the future."

AY 2020 Experiment Topics

  • Team A: Make cheese with vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Team B: Explore ways to improve performance in sports.
  • Team C: Explore what makes a sponge cake fluffy.
  • Team D: Analyze animal body colors scientifically.
  • Team E: Discover lactic acid bacteria to make yogurt.

Results of each team’s research

Dチーム 発表風景


  • 東洋大学見学会
  • テレビ会議システムを使用した高大連携遠隔授業
  • バイオ・ナノエレクトロニクス研究センターと連携した課題研究プロジェクト
  • 生命科学部・食環境科学部と連携した課題研究プロジェクト
  • 中高大連携留学生参加「ALL English Days」
  • 井上円了研究センターの講師による講演会「哲学について」
  • 大学職員による「キャリア講演会」
  • 東洋大学の海外協定校における「カナダPBLプログラム」
  • 東洋大学見学会
  • 学部学科説明会
  • 高大連携京北高等学校との合同ワークショップ
  • 理工学部建築学科と連携した「建築模型コンテスト」
  • 短期留学生の1日大学体験
  • 高大連携少人数英会話講座「アチーブイングリッシュ」
  • 生命科学部・食環境科学部と連携した「未来の科学者育成プロジェクト」
  • 学部学科説明会
  • 高大連携牛久高等学校との合同ワークショップ
  • 東洋大学留学生との英会話イベント「Let’s Chat in English ! 」
  • 高大連携少人数英会話講座「アチーブイングリッシュ」
  • 大学施設を活用した親子体操、運動会の開催