Reports 事業報告

Education 教育


Developing Human Resources Who Can Cultivate Their Own Philosophy and Understand the Essence of Things

Contributing to Society by Leveraging the Knowledge Acquired at the University
Students Work Proactively and Receive Awards


Our students who have been working proactively while making use of what they have learned at theirfaculties and Graduate Schools have achieved outstanding results and received awards in contests in their respective fields. These prove that they are leveraging the knowledge gained through their learningas leaders in creating a better society.

「水の里の旅コンテスト2020」学生部門 優秀賞

全国の水源地域や水文化保全に取り組む地域の活性化を目指して国土交通省が主催する旅行企画コンテスト「水の里の旅コンテスト2020」学生部門で、国際観光学部の森下晶美教授のゼミが優秀賞を受賞。応募企画は「AT旅 五感で感じる北東北 〜温故知新・北東北の歴史などから過去、現在、未来を見据えよう〜」というテーマで、インバウンド向けの東北地方のアドベンチャートラベルを提案しました。

Mizu no Sato no Tabi (Water Village Travel) Contest 2020: Won the award in the Student Division.

The Mizu no Sato no Tabi (Water Village Travel) Contest 2020 was a travel planning contest conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism with the aim of revitalizing nationwide water source areas and other areas working to preserve water culture. In the contest, our seminar group taught by Professor Masami Morishita of the Faculty of International Tourism Management won the award in the student division. The seminar group proposed adventure travel in the Tohoku region for inbound travelers with the theme of "Adventure Travel: Experiencing Northern Tohoku through the five senses—Looking at the past, present, and future to discover new things by learning the history of the Northern Tohoku region.”

「水の里の旅コンテスト2020」学生部門 受賞者写真


ダイムラートラックアジアが主催する、「ふそうケース・チャレンジ2020」で、国際学部グローバル・イノベーション学科と情報連携学部情報連携学科の学生による「チーム東洋」が2年連続となる1位に輝きました。ふそうトラックの上にソーラーパネルを設置し、ブロックチェーン技術によるピア・ツー・ピアのエネルギー取引システムで生成されたエネルギーを供給する「Future Charge」という幅広い可能性を秘めたプロジェクトが評価されました。

The Fuso Case Challenge 2020: Won the first place winner for the second year in a row.

In the Fuso Case Challenge 2020 organized by Daimler Trucks Asia, Team Toyo won the first place winner for the second year in a row. The team comprises students from the Department of Global Innovation Studies, the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, and the Department of Information Networking for Innovation and Design, the Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation and Design. Their project, "Future Charge," was recognized for its great deal of potential regarding installing solar panels on top of a Fuso truck while implementing a peer-to-peer energy trading system using blockchain technology to deliver the energy created.


「第16回日銀グランプリ ~キャンパスからの提言~」奨励賞

金融・経済分野の小論文・プレゼンテーションコンテスト「第16回日銀グランプリ ~キャンパスからの提言~」では、遠藤唯萌さん、岡野愛さん(ともに法学部)が奨励賞を受賞。「『SDGsホテル』の提言 ―地方創生における分散型ホテルへの投資の可能性とその地理的文脈―」というテーマで、空き家対策や交流人口の確保、災害対応などが求められている地方の宿泊施設の供給を見直し、自律的好循環社会を目指す提案をしました。

The 16th Bank of Japan Grand Prix: Proposals from College Campus: Won the encouragement award.

The 16th BOJ Grand Prix: Proposals from College Campus is an essay and presentation contest in the field of finance and economics. Ms. Yume Endo and Ms. Mana Okano (both from the Faculty of Law) won the encouragement award. Under the theme of "Proposal of SDGs hotels ―Possibilities of investment in decentralized hotels for regional development and its geographical context," they reviewed the supply of lodging facilities in rural areas which require measures for dealing with vacant houses, securing a nonresident population, and disaster response. They made a proposal aiming for a society with an autonomous virtuous cycle.

「第16回日銀グランプリ ~キャンパスからの提言~」奨励賞 受賞者写真


「第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2020)」では、「柔軟で伸縮可能なソフトロボット関節の開発」を発表した磯村駿さん(理工学部機械工学科)、「手渡し動作における物体を手放すタイミングの考察」を発表した鈴木翼さん(機能システム専攻博士前期課程)、「歩行支援機能付きパーソナルモビリティの開発」を発表した藤井正彬さん(機能システム専攻博士前期課程)が「SI2020優秀講演賞」を受賞しました。

The 21st Conference of SICE System Integration Division (SI202) : Received outstanding presentation awards.

At the 21st Conference of SICE System Integration Division (SI202), Mr. Shun Isomura (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering) presented "Development of Flexible and Stretchable Soft Robot Joint," Mr. Tsubasa Suzuki (Master's Program of Course of Advanced Mechatronics Systems) presented "Consideration of a Release timing in Hand-Over Motion," and Mr. Masaaki Fujii (Master's Program of Course of Advanced Mechatronics Systems) presented "Personal Mobility with assistive Walker -5th Report: Measurement of electromyography in walking assist mode-.” They each received the SI2020 outstanding presentation award.

SI2020優秀講演賞 表彰状

「第55回日本水環境学会 年会学生ポスター発表」ライオン賞

「第55回日本水環境学会 年会学生ポスター発表」で、「水素供与体無しでの脱窒現象の検討」を発表した町田紗英さん(生命科学部応用生物科学科)が年会学生ポスター発表賞「ライオン賞」を受賞。下水や産業廃水に含まれる窒素の処理において、尿素と硝酸から水素供与体無しで脱窒する新たな脱窒現象について報告し、処理コストを大幅に低減できる可能性を見出しました。

The 55th Japan Society on Water Environment: Won the Lion Best Student Poster Presentation Award.

At the 55th Japan Society on Water Environment: Lion Best Student Poster Presentation Award, Ms. Sae Machida (Department of Applied Biosciences, Faculty of Life Sciences) presented "Evaluation of Denitrification Phenomena without a Hydrogen Donor." She received the Lion Best Student Poster Presentation Award. Regarding the treatment of nitrogen contained in sewage and industrial wastewater, she reported a new denitrification phenomenon that denitrified urea and nitric acid without a hydrogen donor, and found the possibility of drastically reducing the treatment costs.