Reports 事業報告

Research 研究


Promoting Diverse Research Endeavors in the Humanities and Sciences to Contribute to Solutions for Various Social Issues

Aiming to Create Local Industries through Industry-Government-Academia Partnership
Developing Anti-Heat Stroke Products with Citrus Peels

学校法人東洋大学では中期計画「TOYO GRAND DESIGN 2020-2024」に基づき、産官学連携の活性化に積極的に取り組んでいます。生体医工学研究センターでは、柑橘類の果皮に含まれる成分の有効活用について研究を進めており、全国有数の果樹産地である和歌山県紀の川市と2021年2月9日に「紀の川市と学校法人東洋大学との包括連携に関する協定」を締結しました。


  1. (1)地域の発展及び産業の振興に関すること
  2. (2)教育・研究・文化の振興に関すること
  3. (3)人的資源の交流をはじめとする人材の育成に関すること
  4. (4)その他目的を達成するために資すること



  1. (1)熱中症対策成分の効果実証研究に関すること
  2. (2)熱中症対策成分を含む加工商品の開発支援に関すること
  3. (3)創出商品による販売スキーム開発に関すること
  4. (4)モデル事業に関する情報発信や多様な関係者とのネットワーク構築に関すること


Toyo University Incorporated Educational InstitutionIncorporated Educational Institution is actively working to stimulate industry-government-academia partnership based on its medium-term plan, "TOYO GRAND DESIGN 2020–2024." The Research Center for Biomedical Engineering promotes a research on the effective use of ingredients contained in a variety of fruits and vegetables citrus peels. On February 9, 2021, an "Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership by and between Kinokawa-shi and Toyo University Incorporated Educational InstitutionIncorporated Educational Institution" was concluded with Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama Prefecture, a leading fruit producing area in Japan.

The main matters set forth in the agreement are as follows:

  1. (1) Matters related to regional development and industrial promotion
  2. (2) Matters related to promotion of education, research, and culture
  3. (3) Matters related to the development of human resources, including the exchange of human resources
  4. (4) Other matters that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the agreement

Toyo University Incorporated Educational InstitutionIncorporated Educational Institution signed a "Partnership Agreement for the Creation of Local Industries" with Kinokawa-shi and Wakan Corporation on March 9, 2021. The purpose of the agreement is to start a project for the creation of local industries through the development of anti-heat stroke products as a concrete collaborative project.

The main matters set forth in the "Partnership Agreement for the Creation of Local Industries" are as follows:

  1. (1) Matters related to research that demonstrates the effectiveness of ingredients to prevent heat stroke
  2. (2) Matters related to support for the development of processed products containing ingredients to prevent heat stroke
  3. (3) Matters related to development of sales schemes for the products developed
  4. (4) Matters related to dissemination of information on the model project and the establishment of networks with various related parties

Through the establishment of the foundation for a broad and cooperative relationship with Kinokawa-shi as well as promotion of the joint development of anti-heat stroke products with Wakan Corporation, we will contribute to the creation and development of a prosperous and vibrant regional society, promote education and research, and develop human resources.

理事長 写真
学校法人東洋大学 理事長
中村愼司 氏 写真
紀の川市 市長
中村愼司 氏
土屋典子 氏 写真
株式会社和環 代表取締役社長
土屋典子 氏