Reports 事業報告

Education 教育


Developing Human Resources Who Can Cultivate Their Own Philosophy and Understand the Essence of Things

スーパーグローバル大学創成支援の第2回中間評価で「A」評価を獲得 Received an A Rating in the Second Interim Evaluation of the Top Global University Project

東洋大学は、2014年に文部科学省「スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業(タイプB:グローバル牽引型)」の採択を受け、「TOYO GLOBAL DIAMONDS グローバルリーダーの集うアジアのハブ大学を目指して」構想の下、大学の国際化を進めています。2020年度の第2回中間評価では、第1回中間評価に引き続き、総括評価5段階(S・A・B・C・D)のうち「A」評価となりました。評価のポイントとして、2017年度に開設した国際化を牽引する3学部5学科[国際学部グローバル・イノベーション学科/国際地域学科、情報連携学部、国際観光学部、文学部国際文化コミュニケーション学科]及びToyo Global Leaderプログラムなどにより、着実にグローバル人材の育成が進められていることが挙げられました。また、UMAP国際事務局としての機能受け入れや、持続可能なグローバル教育プラットフォームを構築する東洋大学グローバルサービス株式会社の設立など、他大学にないユニークな取り組みとして評価されています。特筆すべき成果としては、TOEIC730点以上を達成した学生数が目標値を超えたこと、海外各地での留学フェアや高校訪問の成果による渡日前入試への出願者増などが挙げられ、目標値を超える成果として高く評価されました。今後も学生のみならず、日本社会のグローバル化を牽引し、国際的に評価される大学を目指していきます。

In 2014, Toyo University was selected a Type B (Global Traction Type) university for the Top Global University Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Since then, we have promoted internationalization of the University under the initiative of TOYO GLOBAL DIAMONDS: Becoming an Asian hub university for global leaders. At the second interim evaluation conducted in AY 2020, we received an A rating out of the five ranks (S, A, B, C, and D ratings) for the overall evaluation, which was the same as in the first interim evaluation. The University was recognized for the steady development of global human resources through five Departments within three Faculties established in AY 2017 (the Department of Global Innovation Studies and the Department of Regional Development Studies both within the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, the Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation and Design, the Faculty of International Tourism Management, and the Department of International Culture and Communication Studies within the Faculty of Letters) as well as the Toyo Global Leader Program. We were also recognized for our unique initiatives that no other university is conducting. For example, we have served as the UMAP International Secretariat and incorporated Toyo University Global Service Co., Ltd., creating a sustainable global education platform. We received a high evaluation for having produced remarkable achievements. These include exceeding the target for the number of students who have achieved 730 points or higher on the TOEIC test, an increase in the number of applicants for pre-arrival entrance examinations thanks to study abroad fairs and high school visits at various oversea areas, and more. We will continue to promote the globalization of Japanese society as well as our students, and aim to become an internationally recognized university.
