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アイコン:教育 教育 EDUCATION


Developing Human Resources Who Can Cultivate Their Own Philosophy and Understand the Essence of Things

社会人のためのOpen IoT教育プログラムを開講 Offering an Open IoT Educational Program for Business Human Resources

近年、産業界が注力している分野の1つにIoTがあります。情報通信分野の技術者には、クラウドコンピューティングや人工知能(AI)、超軽量組込み技術など、新たな知識や技術が求められます。東洋大学情報連携学部は、文部科学省「成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成(enPiT)」の採択を受け、2018年度から「Open IoT教育プログラム」を開講しています。「Open IoT教育プログラム」は、社会人を対象とした「学び直し」の教育プログラムで、IoT関連分野の体系的な知識とスキルを短期間で身につけることが可能です。東京大学、横浜国立大学、名古屋大学、名城大学の4大学や、IoT 分野を支える約200社が入会するトロンフォーラムと連携し、産業界のニーズを踏まえたIoT分野の実践的な計141時間のカリキュラムを提供。日本のIoT技術水準の向上に貢献しています。

The IoT (Internet of things) has been a recent focus of industrial efforts. Development of the IoT requires IT engineers to have the latest knowledge and expertise in cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), technology for ultra-lightweight embedded systems, and more. Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation and Design (INIAD) has been selected for enPiT, a project promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to establish hubs for fostering IT engineers who can support growth fields, and has offered an Open IoT Educational Program since AY2018. This educational program is designed for business human resources to “relearn” and to acquire systematic knowledge and skills in IoT-related fields in a short time period. Toyo University collaborates with the University of Tokyo, Yokohama National University, Nagoya University, Meijo University, and the Tron Forum, which has a membership of about 200 companies engaged in the IoT field, to provide a practical curriculum consisting of 141 hours of IoT-related classes that satisfy the needs of industry and contribute to raising the level of IoT technologies in Japan.