About プロジェクトの理念・概要

プロジェクトの理念/Project Concept

新型コロナ禍を契機として、中小企業経営には自然災害などに加えて、感染症のBCP(Business Continuity Plan:事業継続計画)も求められるようになりました。こうした状況を背景にして、東洋大学では中小企業にとって使いやすい『感染症BCPチェックシート』を作成、製造業を主な対象にして、普及を目指しています。感染症BCPは既存顧客との関係強化や新規顧客開拓にも強く関わります。是非、本チェックシートを活用して頂ければ幸いです。

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a growing need for Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) for infectious diseases in the management of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in addition to the usual BCPs for natural disasters and other eventualities. Against this backdrop, Toyo University has created an easy-to-use Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet for SMEs, mainly targeting the manufacturing industry, and aims to promote its use. There is a strong link between BCPs for infectious diseases and the strengthening of relationships with existing customers as well as the development of new customers. We hope you will make use of this Check Sheet.

BCP対策とは/What is a BCP?


Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a generic term for measures and plans to ensure business continuity and early business recovery in the event that a company is faced with an emergency situation such as a natural disaster, major fire, or terrorist attack (Source: Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, “Guidelines on Formulating and Implementing BCPs for Small and Medium Enterprises”). In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, countermeasures against infectious diseases are now considered to be part of BCPs.

BCP策定の重要性/Importance of Formulating a BCP

By formulating a BCP, a company can prepare for various contingencies. The creation of such a plan also helps businesses gain a variety of insights and improve their day-to-day management. As a result, companies can also strengthen relationships with existing customers and cultivate new customers through the development and implementation of a BCP.

BCPチェックシートについて/About the BCP Check Sheet


This is an infectious disease BCP Check Sheet prepared by Toyo University, targeting mainly small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. With this one sheet, you can check your company's daily approach to infectious diseases, take stock of your operations, and check the degree of visualization of your actions. We hope you will make use of it.



▼ BCPチェックシートは下記よりダウンロードいただけます。

The BCP Check Sheet is available for download at the link below.

プロジェクトの概要/Project Outline

研究名称 「荒川区中小企業のリスクマネジメント普及プロセスとリカレント・ワークショップ:東洋大学・感染症BCPシートの市場志向デザインと社会実装」
研究主体 東洋大学
研究代表者 経営学部教授 山本聡
研究期間 2022年6月-2023年3月
Title of Research “Risk Management Dissemination Process and Recurrent Workshops for SMEs in Arakawa City: Market-Oriented Design and Social Implementation of Toyo University’s Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet”
Research Entity Toyo University
Principal Investigator Professor Satoshi Yamamoto, Faculty of Business Administration
Research Period June 2022 - March 2023
〒112-8606 東京都文京区白山5-28-20
〒115-8650 東京都北区赤羽台1-7-11
〒351-8510 埼玉県朝霞市岡48-1
〒350-8585 埼玉県川越市鯨井2100