Workshop BCP策定ワークショップ


昨今、中小企業経営にはBCP(Business Continuity Plan:事業継続計画)が強く求められています。新型コロナ禍をきっかけに、感染症BCPも求められるようになりました。感染症BCPの実践は、既存顧客との関係強化や新規顧客開拓にも有用と言えます。東洋大学ではこうした理念に則り、2020年度、主に製造業を対象にして、中小企業にとって使いやすい、『荒川区 感染症BCPチェックシート』を作成しました。本ワークショップは当該チェックシートの普及を目的としています。






日時 12月6日(火)18時30分~
会場 ふらっとにっぽり(荒川区東日暮里六丁目17番6号)



新型コロナ禍を契機として、「感染症BCP」が注目を集めています。感染症BCPの活用は、新規顧客開拓など企業価値向上のための経営戦略を実現できます。第1部では、平和商事株式会社の代表取締役 竹前友勝氏に登壇いただき、「感染症BCPチェックシート」活用事例をお話いただきます。


登壇者 竹前友勝

平和商事株式会社 代表取締役




司会者 山本聡

東洋大学 経営学部経営学科教授。博士(経済学)。専門分野は、中小企業経営論、アントレプレナーシップ研究、国際的アントレプレナーシップ研究。機械振興協会経済研究所で研究員として活動後、東京経済大学准教授を経て、現職。学術論文や書籍の執筆だけでなく、政府・自治体の中小企業政策に関する有識者委員や企業経営者や技術者向けの産業・企業動向に関する講演やレポート寄稿を数多く行う。


Partnership Project between Toyo University and Arakawa City BCP Formulation Workshop: New Customer Cultivation and Infectious Disease BCPs for SMEs
~Emerging Insights from Countermeasures Against the Risk of Infectious Diseases~

Recently, there is a growing need for Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) in the management of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the need for BCPs for infectious diseases. Implementing BCPs for infectious diseases is also useful for strengthening relationships with existing customers and cultivating new customers. In line with this philosophy, Toyo University created an easy-to-use Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet for Arakawa City in FY2020 for SMEs, mainly targeting the manufacturing industry. The purpose of this workshop is to disseminate this checklist.

First, Mr. Tomokatsu Takemae of heiwashoji (Higashiogu, Arakawa City) will give a lecture and answer questions about how he actually used the Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet to gain insights into the daily management of his company, and how it was fed back to strengthen relationships with existing customers and cultivate new customers, based on actual cases. Participants will then have a chance to actually experience the Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet for themselves.

We look forward to your participation.

Event Summary

  • Date and time: Tuesday, December 6, from 6:30 p.m.
  • Venue: Furatto Nippori (6-17-6 Higashinippori, Arakawa-ku)

Please check the Arakawa City Official Website to register for the event.

Event Details

Part 1

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, BCPs for infectious diseases have been attracting attention. The utilization of BCPs for infectious diseases can help achieve management strategies that improve corporate value, such as cultivating new customers. In Part 1, Mr. Tomokatsu Takemae, CEO of heiwashoji kk., will discuss the Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet and give examples of how his company has put it to use.

Infectious Disease BCPs and New Customer Cultivation

Speaker: Tomokatsu Takemae

CEO, heiwashoji kk.

Born in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo in 1981. After graduating from university, he joined a video game company.
Afterwards, he switched to working at heiwashoji kk., which was run by his father, and then became CEO in 2012.

Part 2

In Part 2, participants will actually experience the Infectious Disease BCP Check Sheet for themselves. Professor Satoshi Yamamoto of Toyo University will serve as the moderator.

Moderator: Satoshi Yamamoto

Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo University. Doctor of Economics. His areas of expertise include SME business management theory, entrepreneurship research, and international entrepreneurship research.After working as a researcher at the Economic Research Institute of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry, he became an associate professor at Tokyo Keizai University before assuming his current position. In addition to writing academic papers and books, he has given numerous lectures and contributed reports on industrial and corporate trends for expert committee members for government and municipal SME policies, business managers and engineers.

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