Interview 企業インタビュー
heiwashoji kk.
竹前 友勝 TAKEMAE Tomokatsu
平和商事株式会社 代表取締役
CEO, heiwashoji kk.
Born in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo in 1981. After graduating from university, he joined a video game company. Afterwards, he switched to working at heiwashoji kk., which was run by his father, and then became CEO in 2012.
In today’s society, all kinds of situations can occur.Businesses can enhance their corporate sustainability by formulating a BCP for infectious diseases tailored to the situation.
A BCP for infectious diseases is an essential component for achieving sustainable growth
heiwashoji plans, manufactures, and sells a range of paper containers, such as boxes for holding confectionery and stationery for gifts, as well as boxes used in confectionery stores for taking cakes home. Here, Mr. Takemae, third-generation CEO of a company with 11 employees, discusses the purposes and significance of BCPs for infectious diseases.
In a nutshell, BCPs are based on a variety of factors, including natural disasters and internal and external factors. In contrast to natural disasters, which can cause damage over a wide area and require time for recovery, infectious diseases mainly affect only the company itself.
Infectious diseases are by nature quite different. For example, in some cases, the situation can be resolved in a matter of ten days. Therefore, each requires its own set of countermeasures. A BCP is essential for the growth and maintenance of a company. By developing a BCP as part of our routine work in anticipation of an incident, we hope to solidify the company’s foundations, increase profit margins by cultivating new customers and diversifying our business dealings, and maintain business growth and improve our credibility as a company.
Only about one in six SMEs have a BCP in place. Mr. Takemae speaks enthusiastically of his desire to stay one step ahead in management by developing a BCP for disasters in addition to a general BCP.
Confronting emergencies through information sharing and mapping
Mr. Takemae says that a BCP is very useful for maintaining the growth of a company. Based on his past experience, he has developed a BCP for infectious diseases, with information sharing within the company as the first priority.
Around the summer of 2022, when the COVID-19 pandemic was raging across Japan, three of our employees became infected. Since we have 11 employees, even if three employees were to take a day off, the total production volume would be reduced by three quarters in a simple calculation. On top of this, one of them was the plant manager. It was very difficult for us to coordinate operations during the period they were on leave. Based on this experience, we now share our know-how and schedules within the company to ensure that operations run smoothly, even if anyone takes a day off.
In addition, it is also important to create a list of clients when developing a BCP for infectious diseases.
Takemae: We list and order the work and priorities for each client. There are approximately 250 companies that we work with throughout the year, including confectionery stores and metalworking companies. By mapping each company based on their respective composition and gross profit, we can see which clients should be prioritized.
During emergencies, Mr. Takemae’s company compares the schedule with the mapping, and if it is unable to manufacture a product for a high-priority client in time, it outsources the work to a subcontractor or other company in the same industry. For non-priority clients, Takemae passionately explains that they consider countermeasures according to the situation, such as asking for an extension of the delivery date.
Formulate an infectious disease BCP tailored to your company with a view to further development
Having completed the formulation of its infectious disease BCP, heiwashoji is now in the process of making its own arrangements.
Further growth can be expected by developing a BCP that is appropriate to the company’s situation, such as the nature and form of the business and the number of employees. What we need is countermeasures in the event that irreplaceable personnel, such as the plant manager, go down. I would like to develop a BCP that is unique to heiwashoji while also taking into account the abilities of each individual employee.
Usually, heiwashoji’s style of manufacturing boxes is to have one person is in charge of one type of machine.
However, the company gives lectures on the various characteristics of the machines so that people other than the person in charge can also operate each machine.
From natural disasters to infectious disease outbreaks, all kinds of situations can occur in today’s society. Being as prepared as possible for emergencies, even under normal circumstances, will lead to the sustainable development of your company. Aiming to create attractive boxes that people will want to pick up without a second thought. The further growth of Mr. Takemae and heiwashoji will continue.
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