We aim to create opportunities for local residents to meet through flexible initiatives that leverage the unique perspectives of women.

堀田 真澄(右)HOTTA Masumi (right)
株式会社堀澄 代表取締役(共同)、クリスタルアート作家・デザイナー
1982年東京都荒川区生まれ。東京家政大学卒業後、オリジナルブランドのアクセサリー制作の傍ら、アパレル会社で企画デザイン職を経験。独立後の2021年、妹の細谷 佳澄氏とともに代表取締役に就任。
CEO (joint) of Horizumi, Inc., Crystal Art Designer
Born in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo in 1982. After graduating from Tokyo Kasei University, she obtained experience in planning and design work at an apparel company while producing accessories for original brands. After going independent in 2021, she assumed the position of CEO together with her younger sister Kasumi Hosoya.
細谷 佳澄(左)HOSOYA Kasumi (left)
株式会社堀澄 代表取締役(共同)、レンタルスペース&サロン マネージャー
1984年東京都荒川区生まれ。美容専門学校卒業後、大手ビューティークリニックへ入社。現場経験を積んだ後に独立し、2021年、姉の堀田 真澄氏とともに代表取締役となる。
CEO (joint) of Horizumi, Inc., Rental Space & Salon Manager
Born in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo in 1984. After graduating from a beauty college, she entered employment at a major beauty clinic. After gaining experience in the field, she went independent and assumed the position of CEO together with her old sister Masumi Hotta in 2021.
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堀田代表:現在の中心的な事業は、ファッション雑貨の制作・販売とレンタルスペース・サロンの貸し出しの二つです。ファッション雑貨は、長女の私がデザインと運営を担当する「Christal ART クリスタルアート」というオリジナルブランドで展開しています。レンタルスペース・サロンは、妹がヘアメイクやネイル、エステでの経験や主婦ならではの目線を生かしながら運営しています。
細谷代表:創業者である祖父の代から所持していた4階建てビル1棟のうち、3フロアを使用して、レンタルスペース事業を行っています。展覧会などが可能な「ぎゃらり〜animo」、キッズ用の設備が充実の「Living animo」、大人のパーティースペースがコンセプトの「Terrace animo」、美容サロンとしても使用できる「レンタルサロンRizu」と、用途に合わせて選んでいただける4部屋を運営。単発利用のお客様のほか、塾やパソコン教室など、定期利用のお客様も増加しています。荒川区南千住という土地柄のおかげか、東京23区東部を中心にさまざまな層からご愛用いただいています。


Two sisters working together closely on a business that makes the most of individuality
Yamamoto: Would you please begin by discussing your business activities?
CEO Hotta: Currently, our main businesses are the production and sale of miscellaneous fashion goods, and the rental of spaces and salons. We develop miscellaneous fashion goods under our original brand Christal ART, which I am in charge of designing and managing. The rental space and salon business is run by my sister, who utilizes her experience in hair, cosmetics, nail art, and esthetic salons, while also incorporating the perspective of a housemaker.
Yamamoto: Could you discuss each business in a little more detail?
CEO Hotta: Christal ART is a “creative craft” based on the concept of fusing fashion and art. All of our product designs are original, including accessories decorated with hand-painted glass parts. In addition to ateliers in our own shops, Christal ART is also sold at specialty shops and department stores in Tokyo. Recently, we also opened an online shop in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sales are steadily increasing.
CEO Hosoyha: We are engaged in the rental space business using three floors of the four-story building that Horizumi, Inc. has owned since the time of our grandfather, who founded our company. We operate four rooms from which customers can select according to their usage: Gallery animo, which can be used to host events such as exhibition; Living animo, which is full of facilities for kids; Terrace animo, which has the concept of a party space for adults; and Rental salon Rizu, which can also be used as a beauty salon. In addition to single-use customers, there is also an increasing number of regular users such as cram schools and computer classrooms. Thanks to our convenient location in the Minami-Senju neighborhood of Arakawa Ward, our facilities are used by various people, mainly in the vicinity of Setagaya.
Horizumi, Inc. continues to evolve in line with the times
Yamamoto: I see, your main businesses are a rare combination of art and rental space. Has your company been working on these businesses since the time of your founding?
CEO Hotta: Since our founding in 1952, the furniture wholesale and manufacturing industry was our family business for over 50 years. However, around 2010, our business performance declined due to the online furniture market and the emergence of low-priced, high-quality competitors. Our company had trouble bouncing back from the decline. In 2013, under the guidance of my mother, who was CEO at the time, we decided to change our business format. My mother has a flexible mindset, and she developed the idea that we should expand beyond the wholesale business if we wanted to ensure the continuity of Horizumi, Inc. She also supported my dream of having my own brand. Together with my mother and sister, we considered on how to best utilize our company building, which had been designed for the wholesale business. Ultimately, we decided to start a rental space business supervised by my sister. I devoted myself to the production and sale of Christal ART. In addition, our mother is in charge of sales and repair of furniture and interiors, a business which is connected to the beginnings of our company.
Yamamoto: Following your mother’s generation, you and your sister are now female executives leading the third generation of Horizumi, Inc. What do you focus on during management?
CEO Hosoyha: We value two points: flexibly refining our business contents and being aware of the user's perspective. At the time of switching our business contents, we didn’t immediately start with a rental space; instead, we originally opened an esthetic salon in order to use my qualifications. However, business performance was poor. In order to improve business, we decided to start a rental space business for effective utilization of free time and space. In addition to surveying the opinions of users and designing the facilities, we strive to create spaces which are a perfect fit for each customer’s needs. For example, we change the interior of each room according to the purpose of use. For family-friendly spaces, I ensure that all necessities are available from the perspective as a mother.
Opportunities for interaction among local residents aimed at creating new bonds
Yamamoto: I heard that Horizumi, Inc., which was founded in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo and has been loved by local society for 60 years, operates many community-based initiatives?
CEO Hotta: As a designer, our company is engaged in regional revitalization activities through art. Some examples are tie-ups with local companies and producing original products. Furthermore, Horizumi's atelier and rental space creates opportunities for local encounters. We hold various events in our rental space so that everyone who uses the space will feel grateful for the existence of Horizumi, Inc.
Yamamoto: Creating a place for new encounters also creates a comfortable city to live in, which is important from the perspective of the SDGs. What kind of events do you hold?
CEO Hosoyha: We volunteer to provide meals or the like to local people in order to revitalize the region. Furthermore, with the hope that new relationships will be born from the exchanges in our space, we cooperate with our acquaintances who are chefs and sake dealers in the local community in order to hold events such as collaborative projects in the rental space. We are grateful for these opportunities and aim to further expand the encounters originating from our community. Moreover, due to redevelopment, there are many people moving to the Minami-Senju neighborhood, where Horizumi, Inc. is located, so there is room for further expanding these interactions. Our future goal is to expand each business with the aim of further revitalizing the region.
Year of Founding: 1952 / No. of Employees: 3