

As a "group of plastic experts",
continue to meet the needs of customers and the times.

髙橋 俊策

髙橋 俊策TAKAHASHI Shunsaku

髙六商事株式会社 代表取締役社長



Appointed as CEO of TAKAROKU Shoji Co., LTD. in 2016. He is also the CEO of Takapura Recycle Corporation, an affiliated company.


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The history of TAKAROKU Shoji Co., LTD., which is connected by three generations of family

Yamamoto: Would you please begin by discussing the history of TAKAROKU Shoji Co., LTD., which has continued for 50 years since your company’s establishment in 1964.

CEO Takahashi: Our company’s starting point was the recycling of plastics, which we still handle as our main business. My grandfather started a business to collect plastic waste scheduled to be discarded from molding companies that process plastic, and then to recycle the plastic waste into raw materials. My father, who was the second CEO, established sales offices nationwide and also established the subsidiary Takapura Recycle Corporation. As a pillar of our new business, we started supplying and coloring plastic raw materials. Currently, I serve as the third CEO, and I am once again conducting management centered on the recycling business.

Yamamoto: You were able to pass down your business through three generations of family. Why did you decided to return to your company’s original business―the plastic recycling business—even while expanding your business in various directions?

Representative Takahashi: The main reason was that trends in recycling gradually changed after 2015. Until then, it was difficult to grow a recycling business due to cost issues and resistance to the use of waste. However, immediately after I became CEO, the problem of environmental pollution caused by plastic waste surfaced. Also, the formulation of the SDGs has also had a significant impact on the plastics industry. Sustainable development that considers environmental impact is being promoted, and significant attention is being placed on companies that handle recycled products. Therefore, TAKAROKU Shoji also decided to focus on the plastic recycling business as a return to our origin.

Diligent efforts continued since the company’s founding are the first step towards trust and peace of mind

Yamamoto: Would you please discuss your company's greatest strength in the recycling business?

CEO Takahashi: First, we have our own recycling system. Taking advantage of our position as a group company, we handle everything from collecting waste material to crushing, pulverizing, cleaning, material improvement, and adding high functionality. Another one of our strengths is our brand power, which we have built up by engaging in the recycling business for 50 years.

Yamamoto: You are now doing business with many major corporations, right?

Representative Takahashi: Yes. Plastics are characterized by a small market size because the unit price of raw materials is very low and increasing profits is difficult. Under such circumstances, we have steadily expanded the scale of our business. Furthermore, our company has built a great amount of trust thanks to our well-equipped facilities. Therefore, we now engage in transactions with hundreds of companies. We even collaborate with major Japanese corporations such as Lion Corporation and McDonald's Company (Japan), Ltd., which I believe is a result of our brand power.

Striving for further growth while remaining conscious of our mission for social contribution

Yamamoto: Would you please discuss your future outlook?

CEO Takahashi: The factory of Takapura Recycle Corporation is located in Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture, so our company registered for the Tochigi SDGs Promotion Company Registration System in May 2021. Moving forward, as a corporation that promotes SDGs, we will further strengthen our SDGs-related businesses. Indeed, the SDGs are now an indispensable theme for all corporations. Expanding the know-how cultivated by TAKAROKU Shoji from the perspective of SDGs will improve our brand power and assist in the achievement of SDGs in all of Japan. As a group of plastic experts, our company takes responsibility and seeks to contribute to society.


Year of Founding: 1964 / No. of Employees: 93