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事業報告 Reports



Toward public partnerships and an open university as an institute of education and research


About 130 years ago, Enryo Inoue, the university's founder, had an idea he held dear: Toyo University would be open to the public. Thus, the university has used its knowledge, the talents of its students, its facilities and other assets to promote public contributions and engage in community partnerships as an institute of education and research.


2020年を見据えた学生のボランティア参加を支援 Supporting students to participate in volunteer activities in view of 2020

「主体的に社会の課題に取組む」を教育理念とする東洋大学では、学生による社会貢献の推進を目的にボランティア支援室を設置。2020年の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックを見据えた各種ボランティア養成プログラムを実施しています。2018(平成30)年度は、東京都との共催で実施している「外国人おもてなし語学ボランティア育成講座」に加え、新たに「ボランティア入門講座」「初歩から学ぶ障がい者スポーツ」などを展開。2018(平成30)年3月には公益財団法人スペシャルオリンピックス日本らと国内初となるユニファイドスクール パートナーシップ協定を締結し、知的障がいのあるアスリートと知的障がいのないパートナーがチームを組み、スポーツの練習や試合を通じてお互いの個性を理解することを目的とした「ユニファイドスポーツ®」を推進しています。


In accordance with one of its educational principles “Tackle social issues proactively,” Toyo University has established a Volunteer Support Office to promote its students’ social contribution. The office has offered various volunteer training programs in view of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020. In AY 2018, the office continues to offer training program for “Omotenashi Language Volunteers”(showing warm hospitality to international visitors through language services) in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and also implements new programs, such as the Introductory Training for Volunteers and a program titled “Learn the Basics of Para-sports.” In March 2018, Toyo University concluded a Unified Schools partnership agreement with the Special Olympics Nippon Foundation, etc. Based on this agreement, which was the first of its type to be concluded in Japan, the university promotes Unified Sports® aimed at joining athletes with and without intellectual disabilities in training themselves and playing in the same team, to enable them to come to appreciate each other’s individuality.

Furthermore, prior to the issuance of a call for Tokyo 2020 Games volunteers scheduled for the summer of 2018, Toyo University is cooperating with Bournemouth University, which has the experience of training volunteers for the London 2012 Games, to offer a sports volunteer training program focused on supporting people with disabilities.



社会と東洋大学をつなぐWebメディア「LINK UP TOYO」を開設 Opening the website "LINK UP TOYO" as a bridge between society and Toyo University

東洋大学の新しいコミュニケーションツールとして、Webメディア「LINK UP TOYO ~人と歴史をつなぎ、未来へ~」を2017(平成29)年7月21日に公開しました(。社会学部社会心理学科の松田英子教授による「夢」が持つ意味の解説や、上野動物園のパンダを6年間毎日欠かさずに紹介する人気ブログ「毎日パンダ」を運営する卒業生の高氏貴博さんのインタビュー、在学生プロサーファーの文武両道のキャンパスライフ紹介など、教員の研究や学生・卒業生の活動から「さまざまな分野の最先端を紹介し、未来について考えるきっかけとなる情報」や、「読者の生活をより良くするための情報」「大学生のいま」などをテーマに多様なコンテンツを展開しています。

On July 21, 2017, Toyo University launched a website titled “LINK UP TOYO—Connecting People and History toward the Future—” (; in Japanese) as its new communication tool. The website showcases research conducted by Toyo University faculty members, and the activities of Toyo University students and alumni. For example, the website contains an explanation of the meaning of dreams given by Professor Eiko Matsuda, Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Sociology; an interview with Mr. Takahiro Takauji, a Toyo University Alumnus, who writes the popular blog “Mainichi Panda” (Pandas Every Day) in which he has been reporting on the pandas at Ueno Zoo every day for six years; and an introduction to the campus life of an excellent professional surfer-cum-competent university student. Featuring such contents concerning various themes, the website provides information on the forefronts of various fields, which may motivate readers to reflect on the future, and information helpful for readers to live a better life, and also introduces readers to what current university students are doing and thinking.



最先端の情報通信技術を駆使し産学連携でイノベーションを創出 Creating innovations through academia-industry collaboration using state-of-the-art information and communication technologies

2017(平成29)年4月、赤羽台キャンパスに大学とビジネスのオープンな連携のハブとなる組織である「情報連携学学術実業連携機構(INIAD cHUB:イニアド シーハブ)」を設置しました。2017年(平成29年)11月には埼玉県産業労働部と相互の協力及び連携についての協定を、2018(平成30年)1月には独立行政法人都市再生機構(UR)との技術協力の覚書を締結するなど、世界水準で内外の最先端の知見を収集し、企業・団体・組織など情報通信技術を駆使した諸分野の連携によるイノベーションを創出します。さらに、2017(平成29)年10月には「産学連携ワンストップサービス窓口」を開設。これは東洋大学と東京都北区の包括協定に基づくもので、産学連携事業を通して東洋大学が有する学術的知見を社会に還元すること、北区の地域産業振興の推進に資することを目的としています。

In April 2017, Toyo University established the Information Networking for Innovation and Design collaboration Hub for University and Business (INIAD cHUB), as an organization serving as a hub for open collaboration between the university and business. INIAD cHUB concluded a mutual cooperation and collaboration agreement with the Industry and Labor Department, Saitama Prefecture, in November 2017, and a memorandum on technical cooperation with the Urban Renaissance Agency in January 2018. INIAD cHUB thus aims to bring together world-class, state-of-the-art knowledge from inside and outside Japan and create innovations through collaboration with companies, groups and organizations in various fields while using information and communication technologies. In addition, in October 2017, Toyo University opened the Academia-Industry Collaboration One-stop Service Counter based on a comprehensive agreement with Kita Ward, Tokyo. By opening this counter, Toyo University aims to share its academic knowledge with society through academia-industry collaboration programs, and contribute to facilitating Kita Ward’s industrial promotion.



卒業生・植木等さんの生誕90周年記念展覧会を開催 An exhibition held to mark the 90th birth anniversary of Mr. Hitoshi Ueki, a Toyo University alumnus


Mr. Hitoshi Ueki (December 25, 1926–March 27, 2007) was an iconic entertainer of the Showa Era, who shared laughs and exuberance with Japanese people during the country’s high economic growth period and left his name in the history of Japanese show business. He studied at Toyo University and belonged to the sprint division of the university’s athletics club. To mark the 90th anniversary of his birth, the “Toyo University Exhibition on Hitoshi Ueki: Tracing the Achievement of the Excellent Alumnus” took place on the Hakusan Campus from October 11 to 22, 2017. This exhibition featured special exhibits celebrating the broadcast of the NHK General TV drama Ueki Hitoshi to Nobosemon; a section titled “Toyo University and Hitoshi Ueki: Tracing the Life of Toyo University Alumnus Hitoshi Ueki through Photos and Moving Images”; musical instruments he usually played as a member of the Crazy Cats; the scripts of TV programs in which he appeared, such as Shabondama Holiday; posters and still photos of over 30 movies in which he acted; and his costumes and beloved items. The exhibition traced the history of entertainment in the Showa Era and Mr. Ueki’s life, and celebrated his outstanding achievement.
