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事業報告 Reports



Fostering diverse research in the humanities and sciences to help solve numerous problems in our society


At Toyo University, our pedagogical philosophy is to cultivate talent that will "proactively address the issues facing society." By strengthening industry-academia-government partnerships and engaging in joint research with private companies, transcendental collaborations between faculty, students, specialists, and civil society are contributing to the public good by taking on the many challenging issues confronting modern society.


文部科学省「私立大学研究ブランディング事業」に採択 Selected for the Private University Research Branding Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)




MEXT’s Private University Research Branding Project aims to financially support private universities and junior colleges working toward school branding based on unique research. For FY 2017 project, 188 schools applied and 60 schools were selected. Toyo University applied with a research project titled “Adaptation of athlete-supporting technologies to healthcare support for the elderly through multiphase research.” This research project aims to quantify stress response and mental disorders in human beings on multiple levels, and use the findings to establish IoT technologies useful for supporting athletes and, subsequently, healthcare technologies aimed at the elderly. Toyo University intends to expand this research project into an innovative, global-scale project to address extremely aging societies.

On March 9, 2018, the university held a project kickoff symposium, where the research findings on support for Toyo University athletes and healthcare support for the elderly were reported. The symposium also included a special lecture given by guest speaker Professor Kazunari Sugimitsu of K.I.T. Toranomon Graduate School, on a methodology and possibilities for applying brand studies, previously a subject of business administration, to research activities conducted at higher educational institutions.



企業における女性活躍を客観的に評価する指標を開発 Developing an index designed to objectively assess the levels of women’s empowerment in companies


The Diversity Research Group of the Toyo University Human Value Research Council spent about a year researching, verifying and developing an index, from an original viewpoint, to be used to objectively and chronologically assess the level of women’s empowerment by category of industry, and by company. This initiative was launched as part of the Toyo University Coeducation 100th Anniversary Project. As an achievement of the initiative, in April 2017, the university announced the Women’s Empowerment Indices and the rankings of 910 companies based on the indices. With Lawson, Inc. ranked highest, the rankings attracted public attention. This index is a significant analyzing tool useful for not only quantifying the level of promotion of women’s empowerment by company, but also assessing chronological changes and management reforms, ranking companies, and examining tendencies by industry or by region. Toyo University will continue to announce the company rankings annually based on the data as of the end of March. The university has also made a simulation tool available online at the URL given below, so that users can enter the required figures into the fields to calculate the scores and deviation in women’s empowerment. (in Japanese)

R02 イメージ


オリンピック・パラリンピックを研究成果で支える助成制度を創設 Establishing a research grant program aimed at supporting the Olympics and Paralympics with research achievements


Under the research grant program established in AY 2017 to support special projects related to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyo University will spend a total budget of about 440 million yen in the subsequent four-year period to financially support research projects within the university that are expected to accomplish achievements helpful in promoting the Games. The expected subjects of research projects under this program include “athlete training through life innovation (sciences and technologies in the fields of food and health)” and “further development of a barrier-free society (development of para-sports using the Paralympic Games as a catalyst, and realization of a society where diverse people can live together harmoniously).”



In AY 2018, the university supports the following eight research projects.

女性アスリートのためのクラウドキュレーティングシステムの構築 Establishment of a cloud curating system for female athletes 食環境科学部 林清 教授 Professor Kiyoshi Hayashi, Faculty of Food and Nutritional Sciences
Beyond2020へ向けたオープンモビリティプラットフォームの構築 Establishment of an open mobility platform toward achievement of Beyond 2020 情報連携学部 坂村健 教授 Professor Ken Sakamura, Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation and Design
金メダル獲得を目指した純国産カヌーの開発 Development of a 100% Japanese-made canoe aimed at winning a gold medal 理工学部 望月修 教授 Professor Osamu Mochizuki, Faculty of Science and Engineering
アスリートを対象とした暑熱ストレス応答の可視化とストレス・コーピング方法の開発 Visualization of heat stress response in athletes and development of stress-coping methods for them 生命科学部 川口英夫 教授 Professor Hideo Kawaguchi, Faculty of Life Sciences
「female athlete triad(女性アスリートの三主徴)」早期発見と予防のための教育プログラムの開発 Development of an educational program for the early detection and prevention of the “female athlete triad” ライフデザイン学部 岩本紗由美 准教授 Associate Professor Sayumi Iwamoto, Faculty of Human Life Design
Development of a preschool educational program toward the achievement of diversity
—Development and application of a practical educational program aimed at fostering preschoolers’ understanding of disabilities using para-sports—
ライフデザイン学部 南野奈津子 教授 Professor Natsuko Minamino, Faculty of Human Life Design
パラリンピックを契機としたさらなる都市施設のバリアフリー化を推進する合理的配慮と新たな基準提案 Proposal on rational consideration and new standards for further enhancing the accessibility of urban facilities into barrier-free ones using the Paralympic Games as a catalyst ライフデザイン学部 髙橋儀平 教授 Professor Gihei Takahashi, Faculty of Human Life Design
Enhancement of accessibility in the competition environment for Paralympians: Development of tactile paving for visually impaired athletes
総合情報学部 土田賢省 教授 Professor Kensei Tsuchida, Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts


世界的な有識者を招聘し推進するグローバル・イノベーション研究 Global innovation studies promoted by inviting world-class experts

2017(平成29)年6月14日に、グローバル・イノベーション学研究センター主催の国際シンポジウム「Changing Global Order─New US-Japan Relations in the Age of Innovation 変容する国際秩序─イノベーション時代の新しい日米関係」を開催しました。基調講演として世界銀行前総裁で、米国の通商代表、国務次官など要職を歴任されてきたロバート・B・ゼーリック氏を招聘。パネル討論では、ゼーリック氏のほか、オリックスグループ シニア・チェアマンの宮内義彦氏、日立製作所名誉会長の川村隆氏、本学理事長の福川伸次が登壇。モデレーターはセンター長で元経済財政政策担当大臣の竹中平蔵が務めました。

また、翌15日には同年の国際学部の開学を記念するイベントとして、ゼーリック氏と学生との対話集会を開催。「Challenges for U.S. and Japan under the Changing Global Order」をテーマに、変わりゆく国際秩序の下での日米関係や国際社会の課題にどう立ち向かうか、ゼーリック氏からご意見とアドバイスをいただきました。当日の司会進行などはすべて学生が英語で行い、ゼーリック氏は学生の質問にユーモアを交えて一人ひとり丁寧に回答してくださいました。

On June 14, 2017, Toyo University’s Center for Global Innovation Studies held an international symposium titled “The Changing Global Order—New U.S.-Japan Relations in the Age of Innovation.” Dr. Robert B. Zoellick, former president of the World Bank, who has also worked in various other important positions, including as U.S. Trade Representative and Deputy Secretary of State, delivered the keynote speech as a guest speaker. A panel discussion was held at the symposium with the participation of Dr. Zoellick; Senior Chairman Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Orix Group; Chairman Emeritus Takashi Kawamura, Hitachi, Ltd.; and Chairman Shinji Fukukawa, Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution, as speakers. Director Heizo Takenaka of the center moderated the panel discussion.

On June 15, a dialogue meeting took place to celebrate the establishment of the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, and provided students at the faculty with the opportunity to engage in discussions with Dr. Zoellick. In the meeting held under the theme “Challenges for the U.S. and Japan under the Changing Global Order,” Dr. Zoellick gave comments and advice on how we should address challenges in U.S.-Japan relations and the international community amid the changing global order. In the meeting, in which all roles, including that of the facilitator, were played by students in English, Dr. Zoellick thoughtfully responded to each student who asked questions, graced with a touch of humor.
