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事業報告 Reports



Cultivating the strength to thrive in a globalized, borderless society


Modern international society demands the ability to stand up against global scale problems such as poverty, social inequality, military conflict, and environmental issues. In this society, Toyo University is strongly evoking internationalization by opening variegated policies and events, as well as endowing students with the ability to respond to diverse cultures, develop a wider worldview, and become experts at promoting global social innovation.


スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業の中間評価でA評価(事業目的達成可能)を取得 Toyo University received an A-rating (likely to achieve the project objectives) in the interim evaluation of the Top Global University Project

東洋大学は、2014(平成26)年に文部科学省「スーパーグローバル大学創成支援(タイプB:グローバル牽引型)」事業に採択され、『TOYO GLOBAL DIAMONDS グローバルリーダーの集うアジアのハブ大学を目指して』という構想の下、日本のグローバル化を牽引する大学を目指し国際化を進めています。2017(平成29)年度の中間評価では、総括評価5段階(S・A・B・C・D)のうち「A」評価を取得。学生に占める留学生の割合や学生の語学力等多くの指標で目標値を達成したことや、持続可能な仕組みづくりなどのユニークな取り組みが評価されました。特に本構想を発展・継続させるための試みとして幅広い世代への英語教育などを担う事業法人「東洋大学グローバルサービス株式会社」の設立とその理念の完遂に大きな期待が寄せられました。引き続き同構想で掲げた大学改革と国際化を全学的に推し進め、国際的に評価される大学を目指していきます。

Selected under the Top Global University Projects (Type B: Global Traction Type) of MEXT in 2014, Toyo University has been promoting internationalization as a leading university in globalizing Japan under the concept “TOYO GLOBAL DIAMONDS: Becoming an Asian hub university for global leaders.” In the interim evaluation for FY 2017, we received an A-rating out of the five comprehensive evaluations (S, A, B, C and D), in recognition of our having achieved the target values for many indicators including the percentage of foreign students out of all Toyo University students and the foreign language proficiency of the students, as well as other unique initiatives such as setting up sustainable mechanisms. In particular, as an attempt to develop and continue this initiative, great expectation was expressed for the establishment of a business corporation named “Toyo University Global Service,” which will engage in providing English-language education to a wide range of generations, and the accomplishment of its philosophy. Going forward, we will continue to promote the reform of university and internationalization as set forth in the aforementioned concept in our uniformed efforts, thus aiming to become an internationally recognized university.


SGU主な推進項目進捗状況(数値目標) 文部科学省スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業中間報告書より抜粋

Details 細目 実績
中間評価達成進捗率 中間評価 実績
全学生に占める外国人留学生の数(大学院を含む) 608人2.1% 706人2.4% 900人3.1% 1,142人3.7% 119% 1,509人4.8% 2,720人8.5%
日本人学生に占める留学経験者数(大学院を含む) 830人2.9% 819人2.8% 1,207人4.3% 871人2.9% 67% 1,182人2.9% 2,870人10.3%
海外交流大学間協定に基づく派遣日本人学生数(大学院を含む) 724人2.4% 634人2.1% 830人2.9% 722人2.4% 83% 850人2.7% 1,700人5.3%
外国語による授業科目数(大学院を含む) 283科目2.8% 438科目4.0% 772科目6.9% 907科目8.7% 126% 1,095科目9.4% 1,740科目15.4%
外国人および海外学位取得教員数(大学院を含む) 194人28.4% 231人33.1% 260人36.3% 263人37.2% 102% 323人42.4% 411人51.9%



留学生就職促進プログラムに東京の大学から唯一採択 Toyo University was selected for the Career Development Program for Foreign Students in Japan as the only university located in Tokyo


MEXT’s Career Development Program for Foreign Students in Japan is a project aimed at contributing to the enhancement of job-searching capability of foreign students by improving the comprehensive environment from Japanese language education and career-planning education to internship experiences so that more and more foreign students can find employment in Japanese companies. As one of the action plans of the above-mentioned Career Development Program, the concept of the “International Student I-Turn Employment Promotion Program” of Toyo University was adopted. This program aims to promote “I-Turn Employment,” which refers to bilateral efforts to connect foreign students in Tokyo with rural companies facing a shortage of workers, and at the same time providing foreign students in rural cities with employment opportunities in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. In collaboration with Shimane University and Kanazawa Seiryo University, Toyo University has provided matching opportunities for foreign students and rural excellent companies through inspection tours to rural cities and work experience at rural companies. Furthermore, we will strive to raise the employment rate of foreign students in Japan through the opening of a business Japanese language course and other online study courses.



グローバル社会での活躍を目指し海外経験を積む学生たちの成果 Achievements by students who aim at working globally through international experiences


Toyo University places a great emphasis on the development of global human resources who will lead Japan in the future, by providing a wide range of study and training opportunities through the planning overseas training programs such as study abroad and internship that meet the diversifying needs and academic levels of students. With an increasing number of students demonstrating willingness to study abroad, Toyo University dispatched 2,146 students in AY 2017. Furthermore, many Toyo University students have participated in the “TOBITATE! (Leap for Tomorrow) Young Ambassador Program,” a public-private study abroad support initiative administered by MEXT. At the third briefing session on the achievements of the study abroad program held at Toyo University in September 2017, Ms. Hinako Ohno, then a third-year student in the Faculty of Letters, received an Award of Excellence after reporting the details of solutions to poverty issues by means of social business implemented during her study abroad period in the Philippines. To date, a total of 22 Toyo University students were selected in the first to eighth terms of this program, in which they gained study abroad experiences. Toyo University will continue to support students to gain more overseas experiences by enhancing our student dispatching program and study abroad scholarships as well as encouraging students to improve their foreign language proficiency.



国際学部開学記念イベントでマハティール閣下との対話集会 At an event celebrating the opening of the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies A dialogue meeting was held with Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad


As an AY 2017 event celebrating the opening of the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Toyo University invited His Excellency Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Counselor (Academic Research) to Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution, and Honorary Advisor to the Asia PPP Institute, to a dialogue meeting held on June 5 with students of the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies and graduate students of the Course of Public/Private Partnership of the Graduate School of Economics. To a wide range of questions raised by students with respect to the economy, the environment, politics and culture, His Excellency replied individually and very kindly based on his own experience and knowledge. The closing message of the dialogue meeting, to the effect that we should seek international understanding and the solution of various problems through dialogue, rather than military power, provided us with various clues for considering not only challenges facing Malaysia and other countries of Southeast Asia but also international relationships and the ideal standing Japan should take in the future.
