Special Interview 特別対談

大きな変化のときを迎えてさらなる挑戦を続ける東洋大学 Toyo University Taking on New Challenges In Response to a Major Transformation
学校法人東洋大学 理事長
安齋 隆
Chairman, Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution
Takashi Anzai
東洋大学 学長
矢口 悦子
President, Toyo University
Etsuko Yaguchi
理事長 写真
学長 写真











Continuing to pursue advancement without fear of change


In Japan, the legal status of COVID-19 was downgraded to the same category as seasonal flu in May 2023, and the world in general seems to have got through the worst of the pandemic. However, severe price increases have begun to affect the entire world, causing energy and food crises, mainly in developing countries while affecting the developed-world economy.

Despite this challenging situation, we can find a silver lining in technology innovation. Particularly, the recent advancement of digital technology is significant, and I view that it will bring about a historic turning point comparable to that resulting from the industrial revolution in the 1800s.


Toyo University began to promote digital transformation (DX) from early on. In response to the pandemic outbreak, we rapidly accelerated the implementation of digitalization strategies. Digital technologies have been introduced to build the University’s essential management and education systems on digital platforms, specifically to establish a Wi-Fi network environment, launch the Toyo University Official App, modify classroom facilities and teaching/learning settings in general appropriately, and conduct other necessary measures.


Some people may be concerned about the progress of digitalization, especially for fear of the possibility of the occupational structure significantly changed by emerging AI technologies. Yet, I note the importance of the idea of “no change, no progress,” which underlies Hegelian philosophy.


Our University is currently facing massive waves of change. One of these has been brought by the recent rapid resumption of international trade. In AY2023, we accepted more than 200 exchange students from overseas partner universities, in addition to students from Ukraine as we did in AY2022. The number of Japanese students going to study abroad has begun to increase, but many of them are faced with financial difficulties due to the rising prices of energy and goods in general as well as the weaker yen pushing up the individual burden to double or triple the pre-pandemic level. In order to help these students pursue their goals for studying abroad despite the financial issue, our University offers various scholarship programs. The scholarship scheme is designed to increase the amount to be granted according to language proficiency scores. I hope this will motivate many students to focus more on language learning in order to meet the challenge using the opportunity given by this situation.

理事長 写真



本学は昨年創立135周年を迎えて、それまで以上に大きな変化のときを迎えています。急速な変革の時代にあっても、その変化を受け入れることができているのは、創立者井上円了が説いた「諸学の基礎は哲学にあり」という建学の精神が根付いているからだと思うのです。そのような伝統を引き継いでいきながら、大学としてSDG s(持続可能な開発目標)や地球温暖化といった地球規模の課題に挑んでいく必要があるでしょう。













Embracing challenges to solve issues from the global perspective


In 2022, Toyo University marked the 135th anniversary of its founding, and braced itself to embrace a new transformation that will be greater than ever. Our university has grown over these many years in response to changing times, including periods of rapid transformation. I believe that this is largely owing to the founding spirit of Enryo Inoue, the founder of Toyo University, which is described as “the basis of all learning lies in philosophy,” being firmly established throughout the university. Going forward, while maintaining that tradition, we will need to take on new challenges as a university to address global issues, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate change.


We have already started our commitment to achieving the SDGs. For students, the Toyo SDGs Ambassador Program was launched in AY2021 to certify eligible individuals and groups of students, and in AY2023, the Toyo SDGs Ambassador Program for International Students was newly rolled out to recognize SDGs-related activities conducted by students from overseas. International students certified as Ambassadors receive financial support chiefly with payment of tuition fees and lodging. Three of the international students enrolled this academic year were certified for this program.

For researchers, we are also promoting activities that contribute to achieving the SGDs. One major example is the Toyo University Top Priority Research Program, which was established to support cutting-edge research projects that will help address world-class issues.


Given the current international context in which Japan is relatively less powerful than in the past, it is ever more crucial for the country to pursue approaches to form appropriate relationships with the rest of the world from the global perspective.


I would agree completely. This year, Toyo University is in its tenth year of develop ment activities through the government-sponsored Top Global University (TGU) Project, for which the University was selected in 2014. Starting from this academic year, we will promote the upgrading of our activities for achieving the SDGs by leveraging basic globalization-oriented abilities, we have built up while developing TGU activities over the past years. At present, more than 100 projects are underway for this purpose.


While we have high expectations for the progress of digitalization, we have also suffered from the very damaging effect of COVID-19 on in-person interpersonal relationships over the past three years. Basically, many quality discussions are essential to deep learning, foundation for building student capacity. In my view, however, student capacities in this area has diminished in recent years. This is regrettable.


I have the same concerns. Our students are generally serious and well-motivated learners. Nevertheless, I am concerned that many of them apparently suffering a decline in interpersonal skills. University students should be able to learn from each other, and previously, such ability was partially developed through club activities where students of different ages form interpersonal relationships. However, club organizations have been forced to almost totally suspend activities due to the impact of COVID-19, constituting a possible factor for the recent decline in students’ interpersonal skills.

Our University has registered about 800 clubs, many of which have suspended activities in response to the spread of the infection and are yet to resume the activities, resulting in a loss of student culture. Faculty and staff should not give direct instructions on the activities of the club, given the nature of these activities. Thus, we are acting behind the scene and providing indirect support in order to enhance student life.

学長 写真



学校法人東洋大学が策定した中期計画「TOYO GRAND DESIGN 2020-2024」はコロナ禍と重なるタイミングでしたから、DXなどにかなりの資金を投じていますが、健全経営を維持できています。それは大変誇らしいことだと思っていますが、昨今の厳しい状況をこうして乗り越えられたのは、先達が残してくれたものがあったからです。私たちは14年後の150周年に向けて、この素晴らしい伝統を引き継いでいかなければいけません。








Grand design toward the 150th anniversary


Under TOYO GRAND DESIGN 2020-2024, the medium-term plan formulated by Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution, sound management has been maintained while making substantial investments in DX and other programs related to COVID-19. I recognize the significance of this current status, and this is attributable to assets built up through the efforts of our predecessors, which have enabled us to survive the recent challenging situation. We must pass down those valuable traditional assets, for the 150th anniversary in 14 years from now.


In addition, the University is formulating the medium- and long-term plan for the Departments of Education and student Affairs for the ten-years period from AY2024. In association with the plan in preparation, we have established the slogan stating “Toyo University, building the future based on philosophy for the future.” This statement represents the commitment of the faculty and staff to philosophy-driven engagement, sharing the same mindset with students.

My view on the uniqueness of Toyo University is as follows: The basic thinking of Toyo University is that the basis of all learning lies in philosophy, which engages in deep exploration and continuous discussions for understanding the true nature of things. Academic research should constitute scientific activities based on this reflection to address all kinds of issues facing global society. Toyo University is committed to developing and implementing its scientific capacity, and contributing to a better future. Diversity is a unique strength of Toyo University. A diversity of people will play an essential role in overcoming challenges and hardships of all kinds. Also, people with different backgrounds can generate dynamism by getting together, and promote cooperation and collaboration in ongoing reform processes and pass on the tradition in the future. We will strive to overcome various challenges related to social situations, develop a philosophy for the future of Toyo University, looking forward to the 150th anniversary of its founding, and press ahead with diversity-driven reforms while promoting cooperation and collaboration.


The total number of new enrollments in universities across Japan registered this year was 630,000, a large percentage of which is composed of those born in 2004, when the total registered number of births was 1.11 million. The number has declined to less than 0.8 million in 2022. Recognizing this severe situation, we will draw a grand design of the University toward its 150th anniversary and beyond.


Indeed, the environment surrounding the University will become drier. Nevertheless, in an uncertain world in which nothing is absolute, our students are growing properly back by a culture that encourages an attitude toward “improving oneself for the benefit of others” and “striving in action,” phrases representing the “Heart of Toyo University.” Focusing more on helping our students exercise their initiative, faculty and staff members will work together, sharing the appropriate philosophy, and thinking and acting to address issues.

理事長/学長 写真
理事長 写真

学校法人東洋大学 理事長 安齋 隆

Chairman, Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution Takashi Anzai


学長 写真

東洋大学 学長 矢口 悦子

President, Toyo University Etsuko Yaguchi
