Special Interview 特別対談

予測不能な時代を生き抜くための学びを提供する東洋大学 Toyo University Offers Students Learning for Survival During Unpredictable Times
学校法人東洋大学 理事長
安齋 隆
Chairman, Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution
Takashi Anzai
東洋大学 学長
矢口 悦子
President, Toyo University
Etsuko Yaguchi
理事長 写真
学長 写真
















The “Heart of Toyo University” remains unchanged despite global confusion


On February 24, 2022, 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military invasion of Ukraine began. Although Western countries and the United States, mainly NATO members, as well as Japan have taken steps to restrict economic transactions and impose financial sanctions, there are no signs of the invasion ending; therefore, it is extremely difficult to predict what will happen to the world in the future.


Since two years after the global coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19 has still not yet come to an end and the future is uncertain, and is difficult to predict Japan’s future as well.


With the economic damage caused by the ongoing COVID-19 situation, and then this recent invasion of Ukraine, the global economy will be much more stagnant. Particularly in the United States, where inflation has accelerated and tight monetary policy has been strengthened, company management around the world has become much more cautious. Such an attitude also influences the hiring of human resources, which seems to have affected the employment of young people.

However, even in times of such crises, the mission of a university as a place for students to proactively learn and develop their abilities to survive in the future will remain unchanged.


I agree. As long as a university has students, it will provide them with a place of learning. And university instructors will continue their research as well. No matter what the world situation is, this stance will not change at all, and I think that if we fail to maintain it, we will not be able to exist as a university in the future.


I also believe that in Japan, where the birthrate has been declining and competition has been intensifying, the way for universities to survive is to follow that basic principle.


In such a world situation, I feel all the more that the role of a university is to provide a place and time to think through questions such as "Why do things like this happen?”, “Why can no one stop this?”, and “How can we find clues to resolve such issues?”

Toyo University’s stance is clear and definite. Under the founding spirit of "The Basis of All Learning Lies in Philosophy," we will continue to demonstrate that we discern the true nature of things, think, judge on our own, and act accordingly. When we think through any event, we realize that each event has a complex background and it is difficult to understand it in simple terms. However, I hope that through perseverance, we will think things through to the end until we are fully convinced. That is what “philosophizing” is all about. For this purpose, Toyo University will continue to offer experts, books, methodologies and the like.

理事長 写真














Students greatly expanded their motivation for learning after experiencing the ongoing COVID-19 situation


I am also concerned about the impacts of the Ukraine invasion on young people. With the execution of an academic exchange framework agreement and student exchange agreement with three universities in Kyiv, Ukraine, which are all suffering from the invasion, our University has decided to accept 12 students from these universities in May 2022. Faculty members of universities in Ukraine continue to provide online education for students even under the invasion. We share the same thoughts of nurturing the students, so we have decided to invite international students from Ukraine to study with us to create a brighter future together. The 12 students have already arrived safely in Japan and have been taking classes together with our students, and like other international students, they will participate in various exchange programs.


From a historical perspective, we are facing a once-in-several-decade period of global confusion that includes the ongoing COVID-19 situation and the invasion of Ukraine. However, I am certain that students will deepen their thinking and learn much from this state of affairs.


The COVID-19 experience has also made a significant difference to our students. Since the resumption of in-person classes on campus, we have seen a surprisingly large number of students entering and gathering on campuses, not only for classes, but also to use the library and participate in extracurricular activities. In their classes, each student actively asks questions and engages in discussion, demonstrating that they are taking their learning seriously. Seeing the smiling faces of the students finally released from the closed environment that prevailed over the past two years and knowing that they had been so eager for a place for learning on campus, I was filled with passionate feelings.

However, we can also see that the Hakusan Campus is somewhat overcrowded, so we will flexibly change the form in which the students learn by utilizing the online environment that we have developed over these two years and also by offering on-demand classes.

As one of the initiatives of the "Toyo University Basic Plan for the Promotion of DX in Education" formulated in January 2021, we have launched operation of the Toyo University Official Application, and I have heard that most new students already downloaded and are making effective use of the application.


That is wonderful. Hearing such things also makes me feel that this is the age of youth. When it comes to the global warming issue, for example, it is their generation who will be directly affected in the future. They must address all the issues as their own problems.


Many students see these issues as “their own things.” With the focus on the students' desire to "do something" for the world’s future and the global environment, we are planning to create a system in which they can take the initiative in solving problems together with our faculty and staff members. Moreover, in terms of research, for the purpose of contributing to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) specified by the United Nations, we have been promoting the "Toyo University Focal Research Promotion Program" with the aim of implementing research results by taking advantage of the strength of a comprehensive university with researchers in all fields and by horizontally connecting different research fields.

学長 写真



東洋大学は今年で創立135周年を迎えますが、私たちが見据えているのはさらにその先です。ここから150周年に向けて、その時代の中心に立つ若い世代の発想を活かして、150周年のグランドデザインを計画していきます。学校法人東洋大学が策定した中期計画「TOYO GRAND DESIGN 2020-2024」も、これまでの進捗状況や環境変化を踏まえて、毎年見直しています。







For students living in the future


This year marks the 135th anniversary of the founding of Toyo University, and we are looking even further ahead. From today, we will plan our grand design for the 150th anniversary, utilizing the ideas of the younger generation who will play the central role of that era. Also, taking into consideration the progress to date and changes in the environment, we will review the “Toyo Grand Design 2020–2024,” a medium-term plan developed by Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution, on an annual basis.

Considering that such rapid changes in the environment are likely to occur in the future, it is necessary for us to be a strong and flexible organization. I believe that our mission as management is to create an environment that can flexibly respond to any situation, just like a willow, whose branches are flexible enough not to break even in strong winds, and whose roots are strong enough not to be swept away by floods, so students can deepen their learning with peace of mind and faculty members can pursue their research.


On the other hand, no matter how times change, I believe that we will never lose our principles of “Improving oneself for the benefit of others” and “Striving in actions” as the “Heart of Toyo University.” These principles mean that one does not give up in the current situation by just saying that it is too “difficult,” but instead will establish one's own identity by repeatedly striving for the sake of other people who are actually in need. I hope that our students, faculty and staff members and all other people involved with Toyo University will value such thoughts every day and face others carefully while walking forward together.


I agree with you. The concept of “for the benefit of others” is something that every human being can feel joy in and act on. While a university has visible stakeholders, it also has close ties with communities around the campuses, and a university’s activities influence all aspects of society. Within such a relationship, a university must be an organization that contributes to society.

It has been a long time since the emergence of the term "100-year life era,” and university entrants have approximately 80 more years of life. Looking at the various problems facing the world, their future may be very challenging indeed. The responsibility of the university is significant given that it is an integral part of the precious time of those who will live up to the year 2100. For the benefit of students who will live in the future world, Toyo University will continue to uphold its traditions and take on challenges.

理事長/学長 写真
理事長 写真

学校法人東洋大学 理事長 安齋 隆

Chairman, Toyo University Incorporated Educational Institution Takashi Anzai


学長 写真

東洋大学 学長 矢口 悦子

President, Toyo University Etsuko Yaguchi
