

  • 総合型選抜・学校推薦型選抜(公募制)入学試験要項
    志願理由書用課題「Instruction for Global Innovation Studies (GINOS) Application Essay」
    (誤)Answer all the following 3 questions.
    (正)Answer all the following 4 questions.
  • 海外帰国生 入学試験要項
    志願理由書用課題「Instruction for Global Innovation Studies (GINOS) Application Essay」
    (誤)Answer all the following 3 questions.
    (正)Answer all the following 4 questions.
  • 国際バカロレアAO入学試験要項
    志願理由書用課題「Instruction for Global Innovation Studies (GINOS) Application Essay」
    (誤)Answer all the following 3 questions.
    (正)Answer all the following 4 questions.
  • 国際バカロレアAO渡日前入学試験要項
    志願理由書用課題「Instruction for Global Innovation Studies (GINOS) Application Essay」
    (誤)Answer all the following 3 questions.
    (正)Answer all the following 4 questions.
  • 外国人留学生 入学試験要項
    志願理由書用課題「Instruction for Global Innovation Studies (GINOS) Application Essay」
    (誤)Answer all the following 3 questions.
    (正)Answer all the following 4 questions.
  • 外国人留学生渡日前 入学試験要項
    志願理由書用課題「Instruction for Global Innovation Studies (GINOS) Application Essay」
    (誤)Answer all the following 3 questions.
    (正)Answer all the following 4 questions.