
Courses for International Students

Toyo University offers courses specially designed for international students of all faculties. Covering “Japan’s language and society” and other subjects, the courses help international students better understand Japan.

Japan (Careers and Civic Formation) A and B

Students acquire broad basic knowledge of Japan by reading materials on her geography, society, economy, culture, livelihoods, and other aspects. They discuss topics and make presentations with the aim of improving their Japanese communication skills.

Japanese I (AA, AB, BA, and BB)

Students engage in practice toward gaining command of logical Japanese needed in university study and society.
Their ultimate aim is to be able to freely engage in intellectual production—i.e., gathering and arranging information and utilizing it to solve problems or formulate plans—in Japanese.

Japan (Development of Internationally Minded Citizens) A and B

Students study examples of Japan’s achievements and issues and then use them as a basis for identifying, analyzing, and considering similarities and differences between Japan and their own countries. International students from various backgrounds delve into problems from multiple angles through active discussions.

Japanese Language and Society A and B

Students compare and grasp expressions that tend to be confusing because they appear similar in terms of Japanese vocabulary and learn how to use them appropriately.
They also acquire skills for reading topical news articles and gain the ability to better understand Japanese society and culture.

Japanese Language and Culture A and B

Students reconsider aspects of the Japanese language from the perspective of language culture. At the same time, they strive to raise their Japanese ability so as to gain greater fluency in their daily living and university study.